
Angel Tattoos Design

Angel tattoos are popular tats for women and usually take on the appearance of the CHERUBS sitting down on a cloud or as an avenging angel. Angels tend to be spiritual beings which are considered to be a lot more powerful as compared to human beings. They have been looked at as creations of a distinct order coming from humans and occasionally as the spirits associated with highly developed humans.

Angel Tattoos DesignThe actual term angel is actually derived from a Greek word 'Angeloi' or 'messenger'. Throughout biblical periods it was usually believed that the will of God or 'God's Work' appeared to be carried out by angels.Guardian angels are the guardian of souls and therefore are divine creatures but have been shown to be fallible and vulnerable to sin, especially ego. One of the best known examples of a 'fallen angel' is Satan.

Angel Tattoos DesignThe actual meaning associated with angels and their appearances have varied throughout the historical past. Artists have represented angels as winged beings, generally gorgeous physiques suffused in light, being seen wearing bright robes, suspended on clouds, from time to time in human being form or as an angelic 'symphony from heavens'. In Catholicism tend to be intelligent spiritual creatures designated to look after and protect everyone on earth.

Angel Tattoos DesignEach person has a guardian angel assigned to them. These types of angels are to help the individual in obtaining their eternal salvation. Additionally, these angels protect groups of individuals and nations around the world. Other people make reference to these guardian angels as leading spirits which control or guide and specifically help in personal safety.

Curiously, the angels present in the American bible didn't have a set of wings. However, they were always the bearer of important news from God. They frequently came down to Earth to propagate an important message.

Angel Tattoos DesignThen again, somewhere in early stages in history artists which involve painters, stain glass artists together with calligraphers that developed illuminated pages from the holy bible did in fact integrate a pair of wings to the angels, seraphim together with nymphs that visited earth.

The reason why this was done or where it started has been lost in history but it can be seen just about everywhere.

You actually can't come across an angelic being without having a pair of white feathery wings. Perhaps artists wanted to show angels with special powers and also have some approach to represent an angel as looking different than human beings.

Face Tattoo

Simply just choosing to be tattooed is really a big move, but having a face tattoo on your face is definitely a serious lifetime commitment.

Now, I guess that you're thrilled that you have decided to have a facial area tattoo. Is it your very first one?

Face TattooDid you realize?

Often it is simply a decision to rebel against the norm; in other cases it's really an authentic need to force limitations and free people's minds towards a new direction.

Face TattooNo matter what the particular reason is for selecting face art tattoo, there's no doubt: it will get some kind of reaction.

The face is probably the most challenging place for needling. Facial body art elicits an automatic reaction from people in the community; automatically those with facial tattoos are considered extreme and provocative. Some may even say that it is "ridiculously dumb" - many are unable to understand why somebody would tattoo his face.

Face Tattoo

Nearly all parts of the body can be covered up, except for the face. Unless you put on some sort of ski face mask, your tattoo is always going to be on display.

Quite a few well-known folks, who have opted for facial tattoos, incongruously are top notch sports athletes:

David Clinger: Clinger is a highly ranked cyclist and he is possibly the most extreme of the face inked sports stars; he has a full tribal tattoo design over his entire face.

Face Tattoo
Mike Tyson: By far the most popular boxer, he's got a tribal tattoo design on the side of his face which wraps around one eye.

Lee Priest: Priest is a really famous and successful skilled bodybuilder. His face tattoo design is also on half of his face and features a tribal design.

Among rappers, Lil Wayne is probably the most talked about with respect to body tattoo designs. This excellent rap artist has got countless tats on his entire body and his face.

Concerns for Face Tattoo designs:

Concern does exist about getting face tattoos and there should be even more concern about them. There is absolutely no covering up and no turning back. At one point, there was even some sort of statistic out which reported, unfortunately, that there was a high incidence of suicide among people with facial tattoos. As a result of this, and for other good reasons, a lot of tattoo artists have a tendency to refuse to provide face tats.

Letter Tattoo Designs

Do you know that if you choose to have a letter tattoo, you should take into consideration where in your body to have it inked? In addition, it is also important to pay importance on the "font" size and its design. Having said this, allow me to give you more pointers on how to have that best letter tattoo before finally getting one for yourself:

Letter Tattoo Designs1. KNOW WHAT YOU WANT TO ACHIEVE. Will the tattoo symbolize the initial of a loved one? Will it be an initial of your secret love or crush? Will it be okay to be obvious or must it be kept for discreet viewing only? Are you bent on really getting one or have you just been swayed into getting one against your will?

Letter Tattoo Designs2. IMAGINE. Remember what other people say: Never underestimate the power of your imagination, and this includes your letter tattoo. After knowing what you want to achieve, the next step is to imagine how it will look like with the designs you can possibly imagine. If you want, can also imagine how girls or boys swoon after they see your tattoo. Imagine more. maybe your crush will think you're cool and might actually ask you for a date.Imagine that you'd be like a superstar in school or your workplace because of your tattoo, that life would be great. Therefore, you have to make your imagination work to get the best one you can---and plan how to achieve it.

Letter Tattoo Designs3. PLAN. It has been said that imagination is important but has to be paired with a plan. Achieving something will be possible with a good imagination and a strategic plan. Plan as to what design and where to have the tattoo done. To help you plan well, you can do research and lots of online research as to what kind of font size, color or kind of letters to choose. Will you limit your choices to English? How about trying Korean, Chinese,Arabic or Japanese characters? Pretty cool choices you've got there huh!As for location, will it look good if you have it etched on your left arm or on the right one? Will it look good on you if it's on your cleavage? Will the price be worth it if you place it on your ankle? As for the size, will you go for the extremely big one, the average or the small one? Let's say you choose the letter "S". Will it be good if it's smaller or bigger? If you decide to make it oversized, it might just look like a misplaced Superman symbol on your wrist or arm. Goodness! Therefore, decide carefully. Err on the safe side as they say.

Letter Tattoo Designs4. DECIDE. Having done all the aforementioned, its high time you make a decision. Of course, asking for a second opinion is not bad, but ultimately, it's your skin, your choice and your life. Never allow other people to talk you out of your decision that you have carefully thought of, imagined and planned!

Yin Yang Tattoo Designs

Yin Yang Tattoo DesignsYin Yang Tattoo Designs

Full Back Yakuza Tattoo

Full Back Yakuza TattooFull Back Yakuza Tattoo

Yakuza Tattoo Design

Yakuza Tattoo DesignYakuza Tattoo Design

Design & Color test for a Japanese-inspired tattoo design for a new character. The cherry blossoms in the final design will be carried over into the entire tattoo and not just in the left arm sleeve; also, the phoenix design will be a bit different. The back piece isn't changing; I love Koi, and besides I'm a Piscese.

Back Piece Geisha Tattoo Design

Back Piece Geisha Tattoo DesignBack Piece Geisha Tattoo Design

Geisha women train from an early age to be perfect entertainers and hosts to their guests. Mastering skills such as music, art, dance and much more over many years. Their style of dress and make up is famous the world over and a traditional geisha tattoo done well can look incredible. The key with geisha is subtlety. Avoid going for something excessive and over the top as you'll be a laughing stock if you have a geisha riding a dragon firing ice arrows.

Yakuza Tattoo Design In Full Body

Yakuza Tattoo Design In Full BodyYakuza Tattoo Design In Full Body

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Miley Cyrus Has First Tattoo All Planned Out

The Disney star can't seem to keep herself out of scandals and she is only 16 years old. First it was the topless photo shoot that caused some much drama, even though she had a bed sheet covering herself and all you could see what her back. She is also involved in a law suit regrading all the Asians in CA , due to a photo of her pretending she was Asians. She is also ridiculed for her close relationship to her father, well one more thing can be added to that list, a tattoo.
Miley is not quite of age to get a tattoo just yet but that hasn't stopped her from wanting to get one. Like most girls Miley's age they want a tattoo. Well it seems Miley has already picked out what she wants as her first tattoo and to the seasoned tattoo person its the ultimate tattoo no no. This tattoo design that Miley has picked out is not the wisest of tattoo design. She wants to get the initials of her 20 year old boyfriend, Justin Gaston.
One would think that her parents Billy Ray and Tish would put their foot down and advise their daughter that getting the initials of a boyfriend who is more than likely just a teenager love affair is not the best idea. But it seems Billy Ray and Tish are ok with this because of a new tattoo ink that has come out that promises to be more effective when you want to get one removed by a laser. Either way getting tattoos removed is painful and expensive. It's best to just skip the whole boyfriend initials thing and get a butterfly or a heart tattoo instead.

Heather Locklear Tattoos

Heather Locklear is a wonderful American actress, who has starred on the television series T.J. Hooker, Melrose Place and Spin City.

Heather Locklear has been spotted with a coupe of tattoos, including a heart and rose flower design with the name "Finch" located on her right ankle.

The actress also has a small unknown tattoo on her lower abdomen, plus she is rumored to have the name of her ex husband Richie Sambora on her groin.

Candy Lo Tribal Tattoos

Candy Lo is a fabulously talented Chinese singer-songwriter and actress, known for albums such as Bat Seui Yiu...Yun Mei Dak Ho Pa and Tip Gan Lou Haau Yam.

Candy Lo has two tattoos on her body, both of which are of the tribal variety, once being located on her left upper shoulder, and the other tattoo is on her lower stomach and hip area.

Danielle Lloyd Tattoos

Danielle Lloyd is a stunning English glamour model, who was also crowned Miss England 2004 and Miss Great Britain 2006.

Danielle Lloyd has two visible tattoos which we know about, including a Hebrew inscription located on the back of her neck reading "Only God can judge me".

Ms. Lloyd also has a Latin phrase on her back left shoulder which reads "Quis attero mihi tantum planto mihi validus" and translates into "To diminish me will only make me stronger".

Freddie Ljungberg Back Tattoos

Freddie Ljungberg is a Swedish professional footballer and model, who has spent most of his career with Arsenal F.C. and Halmstads BK.

Freddie Ljungberg has two rather large black panther tattoos, one located on each side of his lower back. Freddie has also been spotted with another black cat tattoo on his right hip, however this is believed to be a temporary design.

Shoulder Tattoos

Ah yes, the shoulder is a wonderful location of the human body for tattoo design, an area which is often the starting point of a sleeve tattoo, whether it be a quarter, half or full design.

However the shoulder is a fabulous area for a single tattoo as well, and some of the most popular designs for this location includes tribal artwork, animals/fish, and perhaps a flowery masterpiece for the ladies.

Have a gander at these pictures and uncover some helpful ideas for your impending masterpiece.

Tribal on mans left shoulder.
Intertwined hooks on right arm.
Galaxy of colorful stars.
Beautiful 3D flower power.
Voodoo skull idea.
Rose with city woman.
Koi fish picture.

Lucy Liu Tattoo

Lucy Liu is a fabulous American actress, featured in films such as Charlie's Angels, Chicago and Kill Bill.

Lucy Liu has been photographed and photoshopped with fake tattoos in the past, however the actress is believed to have a real tiger tattoo, located on her lower back.

Brian Littrell Tattoos

Brian Littrell is an American singer-songwriter, known as a member of the music group Backstreet Boys, and for albums such as Millennium and Black & Blue.

Brian Littrell has been spotted with a couple of tattoos, including a religious masterpiece on his left shoulder which contains a cross with clouds and sunbeams, the saying "Rock of Ages", along with an angel head and wings.

His other tattoo is an armband of lyrics reading "It was the 15th of June when she walked in my life, it was the first time someone said hello with her eyes".

Rib Tattoos

The ribs and side torso area is a rather common location for a tattoo design, perhaps more common among women, and the tattoo often extends below the ribcage in many cases.

The type of designs range from anything under the sun, or anything you would have inked elsewhere on the body, however flowers and other vegetation seem to be most popular.

Feast your pretty peepers on this picture gallery of excellent rib tattoo ideas, which are mainly for girls, however guys may find them appealing as well.

Large roses and vine extending to hip and chest.
Colorful flowery artwork.
Possible zombie attack.
Cute collection of five stars.
Fabulous artwork with roses.
Clouds and old school plane dogfight.

Amy Lita Dumas Tattoos

Amy Dumas, better known by her stage name Lita, is an American singer and professional wrestler, known for her work as WWE Diva.

Amy 'Lita' Dumas has a few tattoos which are quite visible, including an Asian oni demon mask on her right shoulder, plus numerous voodoo skulls on her left arm and shoulder area.

Lita is also said to have a few other tattoo designs, including Chinese symbols on her upper back, the word PUNK on her inner lip, plus the word REBEL in Russian located on her neck.